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(204) games played

This online version of Stratego was made as a personal project to help teach new players how to play the game. There are several helper features available that should help younger or new players understand the basics and start to form their own strategies.

Any questions or comments can be sent to shawn@ the domain in the address bar. Feel free to share this with others so they can enjoy it as well!

Currently, there are a handful of template board layouts to select from (see below). More templates and custom piece placement will be added in the future. Templates will randomize the placement of the flag and some other pieces so while many of the pieces remain the same, the flag and other key pieces cannot be assumed to be in the same spot each time and the layout shouldn't be quickly figured out (with a few exceptions for layouts where bomb placement gives them away pretty quick.)

The first player starts a new game, selects the options desired, selects a template to play from, then creates the game. This first player will be the RED player. When the game board is displyed, there will be a game number in the upper-right area of the screen. Give this number to the second player.

The second player will use the JOIN option to join the game that the first player created. Type the game number provided by the first player into the JOIN box and select JOIN. Then select a template to play from, take note of the game options that were selected, and select JOIN GAME.

(The Re-Join option is only to be used if you close your game and need to get back to it. You will need to remember your game number in order to re-join and this will only work on the device you first joined from. Players will resume their same side, red or blue, that they had previously.)

Once the second player can see the game board, the first player selects the Refresh/Cancel button to start the game. Players must select one of their pieces first, then select where you want to move it to. The order that you select pieces and squares matters. If you make selections out of order, you can use the Refresh/Cancel button to clear your selections and start over. Once you have both squares selected, this will enable to PLAY button and you must select PLAY to commit your move. Watch for status messages in the right pane for feedback on your moves.

Play progresses one move per player. You must select the Refresh/Cancel button to see updates to the board and take your turn.

Standard Stratego rules are in play (now including the 2-square rule - one piece cannot move back and forth between the same squares more than three consecutive turns). This version uses the high number wins design. The Marshal is the most powerful piece and is the number (10) piece. The Scout is the least powerful at number (2). A bomb can only be defused by a Miner (3). All units besides the Scout (2) move only 1 square at a time in the four cardinal directions (Up, Down, Left, Right), with no diagonal moves. The Scout (2) can move several spaces in a straight line provided there are no pieces or obsticles in the way and can attack as part of this straight line move. No piece can move through or over the center dark spaces (lakes / DMZ). Any piece can capture the flag. The Spy (S) can ONLY capture a Marshal (10) and will be captured by every other piece.